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How to Create a Free Porn Site

Reputed porn sites such as Pornhub, YouPorn, RedTube, xHamster etc., have the charm, enticement and authenticity to mesmerize and thrill the viewers. Every feature in reputed porn sites comes shining through. Be it a video that has been recently uploaded or an elaborate cam show, everything is carefully scripted, planned and orchestrated. To say that porn industry is chasing big numbers would be an understatement. It is estimated that as much as 35 billion US $revenue is earned through sex-related entertainment businesses. While this number seems colossal, it is noteworthy to mention that all major reputed porn sites nearly account for as much as 75 percent of the revenue.

There is no infamy in running a porn site. The opportunity to run a lucrative porn site can hardly be ignored. While it takes some hard and highly risky pursuits, immense efforts and supreme expertise in programming and prominent technology stacks to start your porn site from scratch, it is best suggested to create a free porn site by leveraging the features of celebrated turnkey scripts such as xStreamer product of To clock a decent number of visits and page hits, it is important that you use a feature-rich product like xStreamer.


Enlisted below is a detailed note on how to create a porn site:

Choose a niche

The first and foremost step is to choose a niche. It all boils down to choosing an adult niche such as Incest, Celebrity, Petite, Blonde, Amateur, Gay etc. Ensure that there is always a provision for couples and singles to register themselves in your site. Here is a piece of advice- It is best to choose a niche that is under-served. For example, ‘Incest’ is one such under-served niche.

Buy a domain name

The next step is to buy a relevant domain name. It always makes sense to buy a domain name that reveals your niche. For example, the domain name clearly signifies that it contains as assortment of adult videos.  Ensure that your site is global. By going global, your site fetches a lot more revenue. Therefore, it is recommended to double check if your relevant domain name has the .com extension.

Protect your privacy

Though people watch porn, they do not like to reveal their penchant for extreme porn watching. Following the same line of thoughts, many people refrain themselves from revealing that they are the owners of adult websites. Thanks to WhoisGuard, a reputed privacy protection tool, people can do away with such fears and take pleasure in anonymity.

Content Management System

Quite unsurprisingly, you require a CMS (Content Management System) that can effectively manage your digital content and engage multiple users. It is best to use xStreamer product of as it provides extremely conducive and collaborative environment. xStreamer is endowed with brilliant video uploading and embedding options. Videos of various formats such as AVI, WMV, QuickTime, DIVX, MPEG etc. are supported. In addition, there is a provision of uploading videos in bulk. There is yet another endearing feature of grabbing videos from other porn sites and uploading it to your website.   

Create Interactive and Dynamic Web Pages

To create interactive and dynamic web pages, you require expertise in HTML 5, CSS, Bootstrap3 and PHP. Thanks to xStreamer that is built with Laravel framework, many attractive templates and layouts are always available in the gallery. You can cherry pick a template and make your website look attractive, interactive and dynamic. The best thing about xStreamer is that the videos that you upload to your site can be played on smart phones, tablets etc. Your website becomes mobile optimized and mobile compatible. Your porn site looks exemplary on both desktops and PDAs.

Have a scalable architecture

Let me define the meaning of the word ‘scalable’ for you. If the number of users and viewers increases, your website should not become slow. It should not crash. If it crashes, it clearly indicates that your website is non-scalable. You can obviate such fears if you hedge your bets on xStreamer product. Websites created and configured on xStreamer have a long standing reputation of being highly scalable.

Revenue Model

This is undoubtedly the most important aspect. Websites that are created by using xStreamer product are power-packed with various monetization options such as banners, ads, subscription options etc. Each and every registered user can either opt for free content or premium content. It is left to his/her volition.

Adult Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is all about spreading the good word of your content or somebody’s content by sharing affiliate links. This is rewarding and highly profitable. Some of the famous adult affiliate sites are ClickCash, InsaneDollars etc.  Again, xStreamer comes into picture. If you have a blog, you can link it with your website and share affiliate links.

Search Engine Optimization

For your porn site to survive and fair well in the lucrative and highly competitive porn industry, page indexing and ranking play a vital role. Indexing and ranking are related to Search Engine Optimization. Websites designed on xStreamer are search engine optimized. They take not more than 5 second to load.

Sell Videos

By selling high quality HD videos, you can make a fortune. Thanks to the presence of highly sophisticated and advanced video player, videos can be played and watched with effortless ease.  

Now that you are acquainted with how to build a porn site, I recommend you to buy xStreamer product and start your own porn business. Build a porn site and experience the magical moments of making some big money. Cheers!

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